Thursday, November 1, 2012

Downtown Parking Tips

Tips for Parking Downtown...

Tip one, don't ever park like this guy ----->

Downtown GR has plenty of parking, and most visitors end up just parking at the ramps when they don't need to (I know I used to). So I thought I'd share just a few tips for those not familiar with the downtown area and are afraid of getting a ticket.

#1 - Meters on weekends and weeknights are almost always free.
The meters around downtown all have different zone numbers, but you don't need to go memorizing them. Each meter clearly lists it's "operating hours" and days right up top. You will have to get out of the car to see these. As long as you're parking outside "operating hours", you don't have to worry about busting out the quarters. 

#2 - If the meter has a bright orange "No parking" bag over it, don't be deceived!
Seems pretty straight forward, but you'd be surprised. A lot of times for events and traffic flow, the police will block off certain metered parking to help with traffic. HOWEVER, look to see if the bag calls out specific hours/days for no parking. If you're looking to park there outside what's called out, you're good to go.

#3 - A little walk will save you cash
If you're going downtown to eat/drink/socialize, you're likely to end up in a few key areas. You're probably not going to walk further than a half mile, so don't try and park right in front of where you want to go... you'll end up saying "screw it, lets just pay $8 and park in the garage!!". Grand Rapids is a great downtown to walk, so find an open meter before you hit thick traffic and walk it. I usually get lucky finding spots on Ottawa and Ionia between Monroe Center and Michigan Ave.

#4 - Before resorting to a garage, check nearby gated lots with the gate open.
Businesses, restaurants, bars and condos often have shared parking that opens up at night to accommodate guests. Usually if the gate is open, you're safe to park there. I usually get lucky with the small gated lot behind San Chez off Commerce Ave.

#5 - Practice your parallel parking!
It's downtown people, ain't no angled parking here. I'm still training my wife on this one... :) 

Feel free to share other tips by commenting below!